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CERN Computing Seminar

BOINC: Architecture and Basic Principles

by Lopez Perez, J. A. (CERN-IT)

IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium


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BOINC is an open-source middleware to operate computing projects based on the Public Resource Computing paradigm. The best known is SETI@home, the project from which BOINC is its spin-off. We are using it at CERN to operate ours, LHC@home (

Last month we held a workshop on the BOINC technology at CIEMAT, Madrid in the framework of a collaboration between CERN and Extremadura. We present the material we prepared for the occasion, explaining the basics of the architecture and the projects being under study for other applications of interest for LHC physics.

Related information

There have been two Computing Seminars on BOINC-related subjects:

About the speaker:

Juan Antonio Lopez Perez obtained his Physics degree in the Valencia University and has been working in IT at CERN from 2004. Among other projects, he has been involved in the porting of applications to the BOINC environment, in the set up of a BOINC server and in the taught of a BOINC seminar in Madrid.

Organiser(s): Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars / IT Department
more information
Video in CDS