19–21 May 2016
IFJ PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, Krakow
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Workshop of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group will take place in Krakow from Thursday, 19th May until Saturday, 21st May 2016.

We propose four panel topics in lieu of country reports.
Please select one where you can focus on some aspect of a cool outreach activity in your country, experiment or project. We will limit each panel to 8 people to guarantee good presentations of all topics. There will be a new set of panels with every IPPOG meeting, allowing you full coverage over time.

E & O website: An opportunity to present a new feature, a new concept, or a completely new website from your country or experiment. It could be a new site for a particular activity or product or a something new on an existing website.

What is a «Theory» and the relevance of HEP: The word 'theory' is perceived and used differently by the public and in every-day language than what it means in scientific language. The relevance to the questions HEP wants to find answers for is sometimes put in question, and sometimes paraphrased as relevant as a fundamental question of medieval angelology of «How many angels can sit on a needle's tip?»  This panel offers an opportunity to address such misconceptions and to develop strategies to overcome these.

Special event: You might have been involved in a special outreach event worth while sharing and discussing. 

Exhibition: What’s happening in the world of exhibits.

When you register, please select the panel you would like to participate in. Please prepare a few (2-3) slides before your travel. The panelists will have time to discuss together on Thursday afternoon to compile their views, advance ideas and prepare for the panel presentation on Friday and Saturday.

There will be four working group discussions on IPPOG participation at conferences, on bringing Masterclasses to new countries, on enabling a global cosmic ray program, and on what it takes to enable virtual visits at new sites.  Please chose which working group you will be participating in when registering.
PS. If you are a standing members of a particular WG, your choice is limited.

Looking forward to seeing you in Krakow,
Marge, Hans Peter and Valérie

IFJ PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, Krakow