TH Cosmo Coffee

Local features vs branch features of the inflaton potential : theory and observations (NOTE ANOMALOUS DAY)

by Antonio Enea Romano (UDEA/YITP)

4/2-011 - TH common room (CERN)

4/2-011 - TH common room


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Local (LF )and branch features (BF)  of the slow-roll inflaton potential produce different effects on  the spectrum and bispectrum  of the primordial curvature perturbations, and they could explain some of the observed CMB anomalies. After a brief review of the theoretically predicted difference of the effects produced by LF and BF some preliminary results of the comparison with observational data are presented. The adopted  approach to model the features is phenomenological but some fundamental physics models which could cause the slow-roll inflationary potential modifications are also discussed.