Key4hep Discussion



# Key4hep Live Notes

This is a document for taking notes during Key4hep meetings.

Date: August 11, 2020


Connected: Weidong, Jiaheng, Wenxin, Tao, Frank, Clement, Benedikt, Joseph, Placido, Thomas, Valentin

Apologies: Andre

## Communities Round Table

- Joseph is attending the snowmass software meeting
    - excellent (recorded) talks
    - a lot of talk about quantum computing
## Podio

    * Ready for review and merge
    * merged
* Thomas: how are the nightly builds triggered ?
    * last built is from July
    * Valentin: maybe they failed silently
    * should run every night...
* Joseph: checked why non-copyable is failing in ROOT
    * ROOT cannot handle vectors of non-copyable collections
    * will try to provide workaround code
* Thomas working on jinja2 implementation of code generation:
    * still in WIP, should soon be ready for review
* Valentin: for FCC analyses RDataFrames are used
    * looking into implementing a data source for PODIO ROOT files for complete user objects (ReconstructedParticle)
    * should also talk to Jakob about new RTuple
* Clement: not clear if this is suitable for reconstruction jobs
    * Q: tests w/ RDataFrame have been done on EOS, is this a limiting factor ?
    * probably ...
## EDM4hep

* Output for Delphes

    * V,T added some code and documentation
    * -> Ready for review/merging
* some pending smaller PRs
    * will merge after the meeting

## Build system / Target compiler / dependencies

* Full Spack installation now available under /cvmfs/
* [ ] update documentation
* [ ]

* Valentin working on integration of ilcsoft packages, such as PandoraPFA

* Joseph: Docker container with ccache and sources in the works + distcc + squid for caching downloads
    * Link:  (folder cacher)
    * work in progress...

### Problem with Root (e.g., 6.20.04) and spack installed gcc

* Cannot create dictionaries
    * std headers not found
    * work in progress ...

* Thomas: this seems to be a general issue w/ spack installed compiler
    * Valentin: could be worked around by disabling compiler wrappers

### CMake Template

* Valentin: need to update the HSF CMake project template
    * could be a nice student project
    * [ ] need a project description

## K4FWCore

* Problem with writing additional TTree:
    * work in progress

## MarlinWrapper

* Placido: recent PR merged

## Delphes "Algorithm" to run from Gaudi

* Investigating services and algorithms to use
* Possibility found for going over all collections
    * Conversion service in Gaudi: convert arbitrary objects into other arbitrary objects
    * E.g., convert EDM4hep to LCIO , FCCedm to EDM4hep, etc.
    * work in progress
    * needs the Delphes2EDM4hep converter merged

## ACTS Integration with Key4hep

* Invite Moritz for a presentation in ~1 month

## Distributed Computing, Workload Management, Data Management

## Gaudi

* Gaudi v33r2 does not compile
* Gaudi cmake-modernisation branch (v34)
    * try with spack recipe?
* Thomas managed to compile v33r2 version
    * observed issue w/ v34
    * to be checked...

## Geometry packages

## First release

* Content:
    * EDM4hep/PODIO
        * need new tags
    * K4FWCore: dataservice, +++
    * Marlin Wrapper
    * DD4hep plugin for EDM4hep output
    * Example
        * TODO: Simulate a few muons and reconstruct with MarlinWrapper
        * [ ] need to find someone working on this (from CLIC ?)
        * Clement: could do sth. based on Delphes output and running ilcsoft vertexing in MarlinWrapers
            * might be available by end of month
* How to tag releases
    * using release script from iLCSoft for individual packages

## AOB

* Snowmass LoI
    * Deadline August 31
    * Clement: could see, if we write sth. to make people aware of Key4hep
        * will start sth. on overleaf for iteration
* Computational Frontier Workshop August 10 and 11:

* Proposal: discuss simulation programs
    * Gaussino
    * Gaudi integrations
    * ddsim

## Next meeting

* August 25, 2020

## Call for Logos


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:05
      Introduction 5m
    • 09:50 10:00
      Discussion 10m
      Speakers: Everyone, Valentin Volkl (University of Innsbruck (AT))