5–11 Jun 2011
Perugia Congress Center GIO
Europe/Zurich timezone

This is the sixth Conference in the series started in Prague in 2003 and held in Prague (2003), Vienna (2004), Cracow (2006) , Split (2008) and at DESY (Hamburg site) in 2010.

The conference covers the following topics: 
    * Higgs physics
    * Supersymmetry
    * Standard Model and beyond
    * Top physics
    * Beauty physics
    * Heavy-ion physics
    * Diffraction and forward physics
Perugia Congress Center GIO
Via R. D'andreotto, Perugia
The Physics at LHC conference consists mainly of plenary talks. Parallel sessions will be organised in some of of the afternoons. In addition to the oral presentations, a poster session will be organised to give also younger colleagues the opportunity to present their work at a major conference.
This is the indico agenda for the Conference program and timetable.
Conference web site and registration: