In a rapidly evolving world, academic and research institutions must think about becoming agents of change, with greater flexibility and responsiveness than ever before. Part of this change is a shift away from the notion that researchers simply conduct research and produce publications, but rather the research community itself must begin to take on responsibility for ensuring research outputs are widely and openly disseminated, properly curated, and preserved. In this sense, the institution becomes one node in a larger, interconnected network of content producers and stewards.

There are both challenges and opportunities inherent in this new role. For instance, how do we create a seamless global research network in which all countries and researchers can participate? How can we evaluate research outputs based on their quality, and not on whether they are attached to a prestige publication? How can we manage increasingly large and complex data to support new modes of science and innovation? And how can we ensure that content is appropriately licensed, annotated and preserved to allow it to be re-used and integrated with other related content? Clearly, libraries and institutions must forge new partnerships, nurture new skills and competencies, and develop new organizational structures.

This conference, co-hosted by SPARC and COAR, will address some of the important challenges facing our libraries as we attempt to re-define our roles in an age of constant flux.

University of Porto

Registration Fees and Conditions

Early-bird registration (until March 27, 2015)

  • COAR/SPARC members: 55,50 EUR
  • Other participants: 105,50 EUR

Regular fee (from March 27, 2015 on)

  • COAR/SPARC members: 80,50 EUR
  • Other participants: 155,50 EUR

Payment options

  • Bank transfer (European participants, please use this option, there will be no fees in the SEPA area) to

Recipient: COAR e. V.
IBAN: DE67 2604 0030 0608 0907 00
Bank name: Commerzbank AG
Bank address: Prinzenstr. 2, 37073 Göttingen

  • PayPal

Terms and Conditions

  • Please use EUR as currency for your payment
  • If you pay via bank transfer please note that any fees have to be covered by the paying participant and have to be added to the total amount
  • Registration closes at April 6, 2015, if you haven’t registered until then, please contact the COAR office.
  • Cancellations and reimbursements of participant fees will be granted only until April 6, 2015. If you cancel your registration after April 6, 2015 we cannot reimburse your registration fee.