3:00 PM
D1: The Evolution of Lattice Field Theory: a Statistical Study
Wolfgang Bietenholz
(UNAM, Mexico)
3:15 PM
D2: Topology of the $O(3)$ non-linear sigma model under the gradient flow
Stuart Thomas
(William & Mary)
3:30 PM
D3: Calculation of the Fermi Velocity renormalization in graphene
Maksim Ulybyshev
(University of Wuerzburg)
3:40 PM
D10: Measuring charged particle polarizabilities on the lattice without background fields
Frank Lee
(George Washington University)
Walter Wilcox
(Baylor University)
3:40 PM
D9: Use tensor cores to accelerate math intensive kernels in QUDA
Jiqun Tu
(NVIDIA Corporation)
3:40 PM
D8: Evaluation of OpenMP for Portable CPU and GPU Programming with GridMini
Meifeng Lin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
3:40 PM
D7: $B_s \to D^{(*)}_s$ form factors from lattice QCD with ${\rm N_f}=2$ Wilson-clover quarks
Jan Neuendorf
(Universität Münster / Université Paris-Saclay)
3:40 PM
D6: Is there gender/race bias in hep-lat publications?
Huey-Wen Lin
3:40 PM
D5: Grid: OneCode and FourAPIs
Azusa Yamaguchi
(Edinburgh University)
3:40 PM
D4: Grid on QPACE 4
Nils Meyer
(University of Regensburg)
3:45 PM
F9: Finite Volume Study of Flavor Singlet Scalar Meson in SU(3) Nf=8 Gauge Theory
George Fleming
(Yale University)
3:45 PM
F8: Algebraic Spectroscopy of Frequency Space Correlation Functions
Sebastian Tsai
(Yale University)
3:45 PM
F7: Strategies for Quantum-Accelerated Interpolator Construction in Classical Simulations of Lattice Field Theories
Artur Avkhadiev
3:45 PM
F6: Machine Learning versus Critical Slowing Down: Investigations into Sampling with Machine-Learned Trivializing Maps
Joe Marsh Rossney
(University of Edinburgh)
3:45 PM
F5: Electromagnetic effects in charged pion decay
Paul Rakow
(University of Liverpool)
3:45 PM
F4: HMC with Normalizing Flows
Sam Foreman
(Argonne National Laboratory)
3:45 PM
F3: Bottomonium spectral widths at non-zero temperature using maximum likelihood
Thomas Spriggs
(Swansea University)
3:45 PM
F2: (2+1+1)-flavor QCD equation of state on coarse lattices
Johannes Heinrich Weber
(Humboldt University of Berlin)
3:45 PM
F1: Neural Network Preconditioning for U(1) Wilson-type Dirac Operators
Brian Xiao
Yin Lin
(University of Chicago)
3:45 PM
E10: Machine learning approaches to the QCD transition
Andrea Palermo
(University of Florence and INFN florence)
3:45 PM
E9: Lattice artefacts on the Landau gauge gluon propagator from hypercubic tensor representations
Guilherme Catumba
(IFIC - Valencia)
3:45 PM
E8: Short-distance nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double beta decay
Patrick Oare
3:45 PM
E7: Efficiency Study of Overrelaxation and Stochastic Overrelaxation Algorithms for SU(3) Landau Gauge-Fixing
Jesuel Marques Leal Junior
(University of São Paulo)
3:45 PM
E6: x-dependence of twist-3 GPDs from lattice QCD
Jack Dodson
(Temple University)
3:45 PM
E5: Pion and Kaon form factors using twisted-mass fermions
Joseph Delmar
(Temple University)
3:45 PM
E4: Performance of several Lanczos eigensolvers with HISQ fermions
Hwancheol Jeong
(Indiana University)
3:45 PM
E3: Field-Transformation HMC algorithm
Luchang Jin
3:45 PM
E2: Tensor network formulation of massless lattice Schwinger model
Nouman Butt
(Argonne National Laboratory)
3:45 PM
E1: Effective $Z_3$ model for finite density QCD with tensor networks
Judah Unmuth-Yockey
(Fermi National Laboratory)