CMS Job Matching Event (JME) Spring 2021
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The CMS Young Scientist Committee (CMS YSC) is planning to organize the third internal Job Matching Event (JME Spring 2021), in order to help both the young scientists of the CMS Collaboration who wish to pursue a scientific career and apply for a job at another CMS institute, and the senior scientists of the CMS Collaboration who are actively seeking specialized personnel for their groups. Young scientists are encouraged to prepare a short Statement of Research Interests containing some of their most interesting research results in PDF format. Senior researchers offering job positions are encouraged to prepare a short presentation highlighting the structure, activities and interests of their group in PDF format.
CMS YSC Job Matching Event Organisers
Afiq Aizuddin Anuar
Angela Taliercio
Antonis Agapitos
Aran Garcia-Bellido
Ashish Sharma
Bruno Alves
Daniel Alejandro Perez Navarro
Ema Puljak
Emmanouil Vourliotis
Federico Vazzoler
Gabriella Pasztor
Gerrit Van Onsem
Irene Bachiller Perea
Kousik Naskar
Lorenzo Bianchini
Marek Bohdan Walczak
Meena Nadeem
Nazar Bartosik
Nur Zulaiha Binti Jomhari
Petr Mandrik
Rajarshi Bhattacharya
Ram Krishna Dewanjee
Raman Khurana
Scarlet Rachel Norberg
Shubham Pandey
Shubhi Parolia
Thiago Rafael Tomei Fernandez
Valerio Bertacchi
Vasileios Amoiridis
Vitalii Okhotnikov
Xiaohu Sun
Xudong Lyu
Zeynep Demiragli