
Leptogenesis United

by Juraj Klaric (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))



The origins of the light neutrino masses, and the baryon asymmetry of the Universe remain some of the biggest open questions of particle physics. By extending the standard model with two Majorana neutrinos, the light neutrino masses can be generated through the type-I seesaw mechanism, and the baryon asymmetry of the Universe through leptogenesis. In this talk we will discuss two low-scale realizations of this mechanism - leptogenesis via neutrino oscillations and resonant leptogenesis, and demonstrate that their parameter space is united. We will show that the observed baryon asymmetry can be generated for all experimentally allowed values of the heavy neutrino masses above M ~100 MeV. This mechanism is effective in a broad range of parameters, including mass splittings between two right-handed neutrinos as large as ∆M/M ∼0.1, as well as mixing angles between the heavy and light neutrinos large enough to be testable at planned intensity experiments or future colliders.
Based on 2008.13771 and 2103.16545 with M. Shaposhnikov and I. Timiryasov.Connections will begin at 12:30 with the seminar beginning at 13:00. Password for Zoom is NielsBohr.