PHYSTAT seminar: Can we really "Re"-interpret data from the LHC?
Data from high energy physics experiments are expensive. It takes many person-hours and multiple millions of euros/dollars/pounds/swiss francs to produce and collect data from the LHC. Naturally, being able to re-interpret published results and information from the LHC experiments is vital to ensure the longevity of the LHC data and its validity in global searches for new physics - it’s just not enough to publish limits excluding some well motivated model or measure some parameters and move on. I will discuss ongoing efforts to make Run-2 LHC results and data “re”-interpretable so that they can be re-used long after the results are published, and the various levels of approximation they require. I’ll discuss several ways such re-interpretations are performed in the high energy physics community and hopes for future runs of the LHC.
The seminar will be done remote only.
M. Girone, M. Elsing, L. Moneta, M. Pierini
Event co-organised with the PHYSTAT Committee