- Mail to could support sent on Monday asking for HTTP-TPC migration of all production storages (DATADISK) by the 31st of May
- EOS ATLAS instance temporarily back to gsiftp due to XRootD HTTP-TPC bug, but bugfix is being deployed and once that's done we'll again move immediately to HTTP-TPC (probably this/next week)
- production ready XRootD 5.1.1 (?) packages not yet available
- we need documentation how to migrate (US) sites that currently use just GridFTP server
- it is a bit worrying with transition timeline 31st of May that we don't yet have any bigger sites with native XRootD
- still with HTTP-TPC memleaks(?)
- RAL struggle with its XRootD HTTP-TPC testbed
- painful to just upload stress test data with HTTP (not TPC) protocol
- checksum calculation sometimes take unacceptable time and often fails
- more effort necessary to meat 31st of May deadline for HTTP-TPC transition(?)
TAPE testbed
- Kibana monitoring
- use dteam proxy to schedule regular Functional Tests TAPE
- include TAPE SRM+HTTP-TPC and disk HTTP-TPC endpoints
- currently only INFN-T1
- we need also dCache tape endpoint and CTA
- transfer matrix should contain all disk/tape type used in production
Other topics
- performnace markers doesn't provide all (necessary?) transfer information, e.g. it seems to me dCache doors can talk internally with pool node that initiate transfer => it is completely hidden which internal node try to initiate transfer - difficult to remotely diagnose one systematically failing pool node (e.g. with missing CA certs)