Initial thoughts for network data challenges
* Establish when we want to do this. Once we have a target date we can fill the intermediate steps and adjust the timeline. I would aim for Q3 so if we have some delay we can still correct things.
* We need to complete the transition to HTTP-TPC for disk I know we said May 31, but we have now one more motivation: this is needed for these challenges.
* SRM+http: data carousel is not a data challenge they do overlap. By Q3 hopefully much earlier we should be able to integrate SRM+http in standard workflows. what do we need for the monitoring here? do we have something already?
* Shared monitoring: as said at DOMA general the most important thing to get right is the shared monitoring. We need to look at various experiments monitoring and see what we can feed into a central dashboard. We also need to decide which metrics we need. We also need to try to get the site monitoring at least from the Tier1s.
Mattermost channel for more communication
DOMA general presentation, HL-LHC data challenges metrics document