30 August 2021 to 3 September 2021
University of Innsbruck
Europe/Zurich timezone

【433】Three path Quantum Cheshire Cat observed in neutron interferometry

1 Sept 2021, 17:30
Room E

Room E

Talk Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics


Armin Danner (Vienna University of Technology)


The phenomenon of the Quantum Cheshire Cat is a paradoxical effect in which different properties of a particle seem to be spatially separated. To observe the effect, weak disturbances are applied in between the pre and postselection procedure in an interferometer setup. One may perform weak measurements and use weak values to quantify the perceived path occupations of the properties. Some light is shed on the first order behaviour of weak values. While the effect’s first demonstration was in neutron interferometry where particle and spin properties were split, in the presented experiment the energy degree of freedom is additionally separated into a third partial neutron beam.

Primary authors

Armin Danner (Vienna University of Technology) Yuji Hasegawa (Vienna University of Technology) Richard Wagner Kazuma Obigane Hartmut Lemmel Stephan Sponar (Atominstitut)

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