5th Project MEFT Workshop

Thursday 24 June 2021 - 09:00
Zoom (Link to zoom meeting)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Jun 2021
Opening Session (until 09:20) (Link to zoom meeting)
09:20 Flight data analysis of the BERM radiation monitoraboard the BepiColombo mission to Mercury - Cardoso, Carlota   (Link to zoom meeting)
09:30 Defect and Strain Profiles caused by Ion Implantation in GaN - Caçador, Afonso (Instituto Superior Técnico)   (Link to zoom meeting)
09:40 Studying the properties of axion dark matter using massive stars - Severino, Clara   (Link to zoom meeting)
09:50 Interactive Solar Electric Rickshaw - Ornelas, João (IST)   (Link to zoom meeting)
10:00 Solar assisted-electric rickshaw construction and assessment - Veiga, Jose   (Link to zoom meeting)
10:10 Coupling of multiple plasma stages for a Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerator - Sofia Ramalhete, Ana   (Link to zoom meeting)
10:20 Testing the radiation resistance of CIGS solar cells for space applications - Gaspar, João (Instituto Superior Tecnico)   (Link to zoom meeting)
10:30 Dark Matter Searches at the LHC - Martins, Joao   (Link to zoom meeting)
10:40 The soft-hard antenna spectrum in presence of a QGP - Cabrito, Tomás   (Link to zoom meeting)
Coffee Break (Morning) (until 11:00) (Link to zoom meeting)
11:00 Accretion disks around compact objects - Piçarra, Pedro   (Link to zoom meeting)
11:10 Production of single-cycle laser pulses through nonlinear pulse compression - Silva, Mariana (GoLP/IPFN Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)   (Link to zoom meeting)
11:20 Magnetic Current Imaging of defects in Integrated Circuits using a MR scanning system - Gomes, João (Instituto Superior Técnico)   (Link to zoom meeting)
11:30 Explorations into Charged Black Holes Collisions - Sobral, Leandro   (Link to zoom meeting)
11:40 Time Resolved Opacity Maps of Warm Dense Titanium - Mr Antunes, Sebastião (Instituto Superior Técnico)   (Link to zoom meeting)
Closing Session (until 12:00) (Link to zoom meeting)