5–9 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

MadMiner: a python based tool for simulation-based inference in HEP

7 Jul 2021, 15:00


Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US))


MadMiner is a python based tool that implements state-of-the-art simulation-based inference strategies for HEP. These techniques can be used to measure the parameters of a theory (eg. the coefficients of an Effective Field Theory) based on high-dimensional, detector-level data. It interfaces with MadGraph and "mines gold" associated to the differential cross-section at the parton level and then passes this information through a detector simulation (e.g. Delphes). Finally, it uses pytorch and recently developed loss functions to learn the likelihood ratio and/or optimal observables. Finally, it can perform basic statistical tests based on the learned likelihood ratio or optimal observables. The package is on distributed on PyPI and has pre-built docker containers for the event generation and learning stages. In addition, there are also REANA workflows that implement common analysis use cases for the library.

Primary authors

Felix Kling (SLAC) Irina Espejo Morales (New York University) Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)) Johann Brehmer (NYU) Sinclert Perez Castano (New York University (US))

Presentation materials