Goals and Status of MICE
Yagmur Torun for the MICE Collaboration
The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) has
completed a successful commissioning run during which Step I of
project was executed. The muon beamline was commissioned, operated
characterized at different settings.
The data acquisition system was operational.
Most of the particle identification detectors were in place and
could be characterized and calibrated.
We will review the goals of the
experiment, its successive steps of implementation, and progress in building and
commissioning the
corresponding hardware.
- Beamline will be covered by Marco
in a separate talk
- Analysis of Step I data by
- What's left?
+ Recap of goals, layout and
timeline (steps, stages)
+ Status of cooling channel hardware
+ Status of detectors
+ Screenshots of controls, online monitoring?
+ Offline code status, G4MICE screenshots?