August 23, 2021 to October 7, 2021
Venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. Participation is possible also via internet.
Europe/Athens timezone

Quantum nonlocality, entanglement and biological correlations

Aug 31, 2021, 7:12 PM
Room 1

Room 1

Poster presentation Poster Session


Sergey Mayburov (Lebedev Institute of Physics)


Experimental studies demonstrate existence of unexplained correlations in biological systems at the distances much larger than quantum mechanics predicts. In particular, kidney and liver cells, blood erythrocytes identify their partner cells and reject wrong ones at the distances which are much larger than the range of chemical forces; no reasonable explanation of such phenomena exist (Vitiello, 2001, Bischof, 2003). It was assumed previously that such effects can be induced by EPR-Bohm nonlocal correlations (NC) (Primas, 1982; Josephson, 1991), however, such particular NC mechanism was shown to be inconsistent. Meanwhile, it was argued that quantum NC can be more general concept than standard EPR-Bohm one and, in principle, some other NC mechanisms can exist (Stapp, 1997; Cramer, 1986). Basing on these ideas, we propose model, in which NC induces nonlocal corrections to Schrodinger Hamiltonian of large system. Due to them, for two distant subsystems the transition between states of one subsystem changes the rate of analogous transitions in other distant subsystem resulting in the evolution similarity between them; such effect, in principle, can result in observed bio-system correlations.

Bischof M (2003) in Integrative Biophysics, Popp F-A, Beloussov, L V (eds.). . Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrect
Cramer J. (1986) Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 647
Josephson B.D., Pallikari-Viras F. (1991) Found. Phys. 21, 19
Primas H (1982) Chemistry 36, 293
Stapp H. P. (1997) Am.J. Phys. 65, 300
Vitiello G. (2001) My Double Unveiled. John Benjamins, Amsterdam


Mayburov Sergey

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Primary author

Sergey Mayburov (Lebedev Institute of Physics)

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