Edgar Dominguez Rosas
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))
We present a study of the average transverse momentum and multiplicity distributions using different Monte Carlo event generators. The sensitivity in these observables to the collective phenomena at the LHC and NICA energies is investigated. Besides, we explore the average transverse momentum as a function of the multiplicity scaled to the transverse collision area, the energy, and entropy densities to scan for a possible phase transition. The results and predictions from PYTHIA, EPOS, and UrQMD, show a sudden change in the energy and entropy with slight discrepancies among data and simulated data, suggesting a possible transition phase.
Edgar Dominguez Rosas, MS, Nuclear Science Institute UNAM, Mexico http://www.nucleares.unam.mx/
Is this abstract from experiment? | No |
Name of experiment and experimental site | N/A |
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? | Yes |
Internet talk | Yes |
Primary authors
Edgar Dominguez Rosas
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))
Eleazar Cuautle Flores
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))
Mario Rodriguez Cahuantzi
(Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))
Valeria Reyna