August 23, 2021 to October 7, 2021
Venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. Participation is possible also via internet.
Europe/Athens timezone

Model-independent Searches for New Physics in Multi-body Invariant Masses

Oct 7, 2021, 6:00 PM
Room 2

Room 2


Smita Darmora (Argonne National Laboratory (US))


Model-independent searches for physics beyond the Standard Model typically focus on invariant masses of two objects (jets, leptons or photons). In this study we explore opportunities for similar model-agnostic searches in multi-body invariant masses. In particular, we focus on the situations when new physics can be observed in a model-independent way in three- and four-body invariant masses of jets and leptons. Such searches may have good prospects in finding new physics in the situations when two-body invariant masses, that have been extensively explored at collider experiments in the past, cannot provide sufficient signatures for experimental observations.


Smita Darmora
Postdoctoral Appointee
Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Is this abstract from experiment? No
Name of experiment and experimental site N/A
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes


Carlos E.M. Wagner (University of Chicago) Sergei Chekanov (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Smita Darmora (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Jinlong Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory (US)) Wasikul Islam (University of Wisconsin-Madison (US))

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