Ignatios Antoniadis
(CNRS/Sorbonne University)
8/25/21, 9:30 AM
Karim Benakli
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
8/25/21, 10:00 AM
Mark Dayvon Goodsell
(Univ. P. et Marie Curie Paris VI (FR))
8/25/21, 11:30 AM
Paola Puppo
8/25/21, 12:00 PM
In the coming years the present gravitational wave detectors LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA, will maximize their sensitivity with the aim to reach a detection rate greater than one gravitational event per day. This is foreseen during the fifth observation period O5, starting from 2025.
Moreover, the future generation of ground-based observatories (3G), planned after 2030, the Einstein Telescope (in...