The recent revolution of lasers with increased power and shorter pulse length opens new possibilities for fusion for energy. Two ideas are taken from recent research. One is from high energy heavy ion research, that Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) may burn (hadronize) simultaneously, i.e. across a hyper-surface with time-like normal, without Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. The other new idea comes...
Femtosecond laser irradiation induced structural changes and their dependence on the plasmonic effect of embedded gold nanoparticles were investigated in urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) polymer.
The UDMA polymers with and without nanoparticles were exposed to femtosecond laser irradiation with different energy. The morphology of the surface of the treated spot and its environment were studied...
The correction to the Coulomb energy due to virtual production of e+e- pairs, which is on the order of one percent of the Coulomb energy at nuclear scales is discussed. The effects of including a pair-production term in the semi-empirical mass formula and the correction to the Coulomb barrier for a handful of nuclear collisions using the Bass and Coulomb potentials are studied. With an eye...
Recently Nanoplasmonic Laser Induced Fusion Experiments were proposed, as an improvement in achieving laser driven fusion [1]. This combines recent discoveries in heavy-ion collisions and optics. The existence of detonations with time-like normal on space-time hyper-surfaces combined with absorption adjustment using nanoantennas allows the possibility of heating the target in an opposing laser...
The generation of laser pulses with few-fs duration represents a major technological challenge due to the high spectral bandwidth of ultrashort laser pulses. When the pulse duration becomes comparable to the optical cycle of the laser radiation, a spectrum with typically several hundreds of nm width has to be managed with a proper behaviour of the spectral phase. This issue is even more...
The studies of laser-plasma interactions are entering a new regime where the physics of relativistic plasmas is strongly affected by strong-field quantum electrodynamics processes, including hard photon emission and electron-positron pair production. This coupling of quantum emission processes and relativistic collective particle dynamics can result in dramatically new plasma physics...
A systematic program of investigations of nuclear reactions in laser-produced plasmas is addressed. Such reactions provide an important diagnostic tool for probing the dynamics and thermodynamics in the plasma and understanding laser ion acceleration and neutron production mechanisms. The goal will be to reach the level of knowledge that allows the measurement of fundamental nuclear...