01:16:40 Dillon Fitzgerald: What is the distinction between the standard datasets and on-demand datasets? 01:25:03 Edgar Fernando Carrera Jarrin: on-demand could refer, for example, to some dataset that was particularly produced for machine learning studies; something we wouldn't normally release unless there is a strong motivation for it 01:25:52 Dillon Fitzgerald: I see, thank you! 01:26:11 Dillon Fitzgerald: Is there a mechanism for users to request MC samples that do not exist through the open data portal? 01:27:21 eslam shokr: How to much that it take to analyse a full data set using docker conatiner 01:28:43 Julie Hogan: AOD has, for example, the "particle flow candidates" as a collection you could find in the edmDumpEventContent. These particles are typically the inputs to FastJet when we cluster jets 01:38:55 Jaime Hoefken Zink: Thank you!