01:57:42 Julie Hogan: Here's the direct mattermost link for this session if anyone needs for discussion! https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/cmsodws2021/channels/datasets-and-access-exercise 01:59:24 Eugene Proskurins: Can one get into CERN Open Data portal via lxplus terminal? It there some difference in procedure? 02:00:01 Dillon Fitzgerald: You can access it on the web opendata.cern.ch 02:00:03 Cecilia Uribe Estrada: http://opendata.cern.ch/search?page=1&size=20&experiment=CMS&type=Dataset&subtype=Simulated&year=2012&ondemand=True 02:01:09 Matthew Bellis: Thanks @dillon! 02:01:10 Saneev: Yes, it is available at lxplus presently. 02:02:32 Matthew Bellis: Thanks @Cecilia! 02:02:36 Eugene Proskurins: ok, thank you @Matthew! 02:08:26 Saurabh Saini: Sir, Can you please explain what are triggers again? 02:08:31 pegah shandiz: For the last question, there is two Zprime dataset .Am I right? 02:11:49 Dillon Fitzgerald: It looks like it, one of them has a tag "LFV" which I would guess means lepton flavor violating 02:13:28 Saurabh Saini: Thank You, Sir @Matthew 02:14:23 pegah shandiz: Thank you 02:16:33 Jaime Hoefken Zink: What happens if I want to inspect the data found on this link: http://opendata.cern.ch/record/13050 using the edmDumpEventContent tool? What should I do? 02:20:04 Disha Bhatia: In the opendata link, there is a filter of file type. Which has selections as aod, raw and root. My question is that the aod and raw files are saved in root formats. So what does the seperate root option indicates? 02:23:54 Julie Hogan: @Disha, yes, "ROOT' is catching most of the datasets in all the ROOT-type formats. This would make sure you're not getting text files, csv files, or other "non-ROOT" files that are sometimes stored in the portal 02:24:20 Julie Hogan: you could just choose aodsim for the AOD simulation ROOT files 02:25:19 Disha Bhatia: Thanks a lot @Julie 02:25:26 Jaime Hoefken Zink: Thanks! 02:26:01 Disha Bhatia: what did toaula after madgraph meant for in the previous zprime dataset example? 02:27:08 Disha Bhatia: ok thank you 02:33:04 Dillon Fitzgerald: Thank you! 02:33:05 Cecilia Uribe Estrada: Thank you! :)