02:39:41 Nitish Dhingra: yes 02:40:04 Sadhana Verma: Thanks 02:40:52 Edgar Fernando Carrera Jarrin: yes @sadhana 02:43:02 teeba: sorry i was not aware that we need to go this this material i am really sorry 02:45:39 Cecilia Uribe Estrada: @teeba: here is the schedule: https://cms-opendata-workshop.github.io/2021-07-19-cms-open-data-workshop/ 02:47:55 Cecilia Uribe Estrada: Thank you! 02:56:11 Matheus Costa: nope 02:56:30 Sadhana Verma: Please explain last three lines in terms of code. specially 2nd one 02:57:01 Sadhana Verma: Bash ( for running ) 02:58:01 Eugene Proskurins: Are there some similar derived corrections (aka RochesterCorrections) for other decay processes? 02:58:24 Sadhana Verma: Thanks 02:59:44 Dillon Fitzgerald: Anyone else getting the issue from running the Analysis.C example? 02:59:46 Dillon Fitzgerald: 210720 17:13:25 176 secgsi_InitProxy: cannot access private key file: /home/cmsusr/.globus/userkey.pem 03:01:40 Edgar Fernando Carrera Jarrín: @Dillon that message should not be really a problem. It usually appears when connecting through xrootd, but for our public servers it does not matter 03:04:37 Dillon Fitzgerald: I see, I did get some text output to the terminal but no file output. The last warning to the terminal was: 03:04:38 Dillon Fitzgerald: Warning in : no dictionary for class ROOT::TIOFeatures is available /opt/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc472/lcg/root/5.32.00-cms/bin/root.exe: symbol lookup error: /home/cmsusr/CMSSW_5_3_32/src/MuonCorrectionsTool/./RochesterCorrections/Test/Analysis_C.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11rochcor2012C1Ev 03:06:41 Anniina Kinnunen: Usually I got that error fixed by compiling the rochester code again. So try running .L RochesterCorrections/muresolution.cc++ .L RochesterCorrections/rochcor2012wasym.cc++ again. 03:07:16 Anniina Kinnunen: You might need to restart root also 03:10:45 Dillon Fitzgerald: Ah I see, I accidentally logged out of root after the initial compiles which I think was the issue since we used .L commands 03:10:47 Dillon Fitzgerald: Thank you!