12–16 Jul 2021
US/Eastern timezone

Resolution independent structure in 4D F-theory flux vacua

14 Jul 2021, 11:00


Patrick Jefferson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


I describe recent progress in exploring the landscape of 4D F-theory flux vacua with chiral massless spectra. The main result of this effort is a streamlined approach for computing vertical fluxes and associated chiral indices that combines tools in intersection theory with the low energy effective description of F-theory geometry. A key role is played by the vertical middle cohomology of smooth elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds resolving the singular F-theory limit, which we conjecture is independent of the choice of resolution and thus sheds light on geometric properties of the physics of the 4D vacuum​​​​. We analyze vertical flux backgrounds for models with simple gauge groups as well as models with a single abelian gauge factor; a notable example is the universal (SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)) / Z_6 model constructed in 1912.10991. In all cases we study, we find that vertical flux backgrounds can produce nontrivial chiral indices for all anomaly-free chiral matter spectra, suggesting that F-theory geometry imposes no additional linear constraints beyond those implied by anomaly cancellation.​

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