Oct 23 – 29, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

From accidental to intentional outreach: towards outreach as a commitment to increase inclusive culture in STEAM

Oct 28, 2022, 10:45 AM
1h 15m


Erika Roldan


Outreach in STEAM should give us the power to create spaces and moments for sharing the enjoyment and passion for mathematics and its applications with people from all socioeconomic and educational backgrounds and identities. It should also open opportunities for underrepresented communities within our fields to consider studying and projecting a career in STEAM. But are we reaching this goal? What tools and means are we putting into place to make it happen?

In my talk, I will address the importance of developing and implementing outreach activities with an inclusive culture. I will share examples from activities in Mexico, the USA, and Switzerland that will allow us to reflect on how to tackle challenges from each particular context and community.

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