Oct 23 – 29, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Maths Nerd Starter Kit 2022

Oct 27, 2022, 10:45 AM
1h 15m


Ayliean MacDonald


There’s nothing better than finding somewhere you can geek out and unleash your love for Maths (like SRS!) but how do we create these spaces and connect Future Math Nerds with a community which is right for them?

In this talk:
Good starting points for people about to enter their Mathematical coming of age
An exploration of different Maths communities on different platforms
Highlighting the challenges the people of Maths face in overcoming gender bias, poverty, racism, ableism and other forms of discrimination (the Maths world exists in, and reflects, the wider world after all)
Appealing to different senses through art, music, manipulatives and storytelling to make Maths more accessible, and potentially even convert number-phobes!

The practice of Maths has been a constant throughout human history, across continents and cultures. In the present day most people recognise that Maths is used in industry to make our lives better, and often overlook the joy that recreational Maths can bring.
Either way Maths is present in every corner of life - so the more people are able to appreciate it the more layers of appreciation they can have for life itself.
Maths Communicators assemble!

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