14:52:22 De Zhengguo Zhao (China) : sorry i forgot to mention international collaboration, Chinese government is telling scientists that science has border. We therefore believe that physics will also get more support for international collaboration, big science probably in particular, e.g. collaboration with CERN, ITER, Belle 2….. 15:06:47 De nabila aghanim : Question: is there an asian strategy? 15:07:19 De nabila aghanim : OK may be later by chat for the answer 15:07:38 De Fairouz Malek : yes Nabila, at the end. 15:09:32 De rohini Godbole : Nabila this is a good question.. but there is no Asian strategy..but there are forums for discussions where all the major asian countries meet..last year and year before there was a meeting in Hong Kong at the Hong Kong Univ. But still it is really alll individual strategies 15:11:25 De nabila aghanim : @Rohini: thanks a lot for the answer. So there is communication on the strategies. That’s great! 15:15:57 De rohini Godbole : To the extent that people get informed about individual country’s plans 15:26:12 De Faical Azaiez : iThemba LABS in SA (a major nuclear physics and accelerator based research facility) has been since 2018 associate member of NuPECC. Is there similar initiatives within ECFA and APPEC to associate members from Africa? 15:29:11 De nabila aghanim : @Karl: what about connection with astrophysics ? Or is astroparticle covering all astrophysics? 15:35:05 De Karl Jakobs : @Faical: so far there are no non-European Labs associated to ECFA, however, the structure in particle physics may be slightly different in the sense that we have ICFA (International Committee for Future Accelerators) where ECFA, US and Asia meet a few times per year. A possibility is clearly that Africa joins as well in the future. 15:35:27 De Mohamed Chabab : @karl: any roadmap for neutrino experiments? particularly for ongoing one such as ANTARES, KM3NeT,…. 15:36:36 De Karl Jakobs : @nabila: so far this is restricted to astroparticle physics; astronomy has its own organisational structure, however, they have close links to APPEC (not to ECFA and NuPECC) at present 15:37:25 De nabila aghanim : @Karl: thanks for the answer. 15:37:40 De Faical Azaiez : Thanks , karl 15:38:25 De Karl Jakobs : @Mohamed: DUNE / T2K were covered by the strategy; see my slide #7; AnTARES and KM3NET are in the APPEC roadmap 15:38:58 De Mohamed Chabab : @ karl: thanks. 15:40:00 De Fairouz Malek : Dear all, recording as well as questions/answers in the chat will be available in the agenda.