Session 01 Review of 2010 Operations
- Malika Meddahi (Chair)
- Laurette Ponce (Scientific Secretary)
Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi
1/24/11, 8:30 AM
This talk will try to summarize how the LHC experiments have perceived the 2010 run. A critical review of LHC operation, beam conditions and luminosity delivery will be given, as well as proposals for improvements.
Jose Miguel Jimenez
1/24/11, 10:20 AM
Following the observations of high pressure rises induced by an electron cloud building up in the LHC beam pipes, studies were launched with beams with 50 and 75 ns bunch spacing at injection energy and with a ramp to 3.5 TeV (only 50 ns bunch spacing).
This talk will summarize the observations made on the beam vacuum and cryogenic systems for both 50 and 75 ns bunch spacing and with a ramp...
Gianluigi Arduini
1/24/11, 10:45 AM
Machine studies have been performed at the end of the 2010 proton run to study the machine performance with bunch trains with 50 and 75 ns spacing in preparation for the proton run in 2011.
The results of the observations and measurements will be summarized and compared with existing models. Possible running scenarios for 2011 will be outlined.
Walter Venturini Delsolaro
1/24/11, 11:10 AM
The machine operational efficiency will be analyzed by looking at the downtime statistics over the 2010 run. Hardware reliability will be reviewed and possible improvements considered. Access management, access recovery, duration and frequency of scheduled technical stops will also be discussed. Finally, the overhead of switching to ions and back will be briefly addressed.
Stefano Redaelli
1/24/11, 11:40 AM
The energy ramp and the betatron squeeze are critical phases of the LHC operation. During the squeeze, delicate optics manipulations take place when the stored energy is maximum. Ramp and squeeze were commissioned rapidly and smoothly became operational. On the other hand, for the first commissioning exercise, the focus was put on machine safety and on operational robustness rather then in...