Session 03 Shutdown 2012 (Part II)
- Simon Baird (Chair)
- Katy Foraz (Scientific Secretary)
Knud Dahlerup-Petersen
1/25/11, 8:30 AM
The long shutdown activities of the Circuit Protection section form integrated parts of the medium- and long term plan for the consolidation and upgrade of LHC detector and extraction equipment which is required for maintaining and adapting the complex and safety-critical QPS systems. Although every coming TS shall be efficiently used to advance with these works, a major part of the tasks,...
Anne-Laure Perrot
1/25/11, 9:45 AM
In the framework of the R2E mitigation project, relocation and shielding campaigns will be performed during the next long shutdown in parallel in Points 1, 5, 7 and 8. About 15 groups will be involved in these R2E activities with work periods from few days to several months. The baseline for these relocations and shielding installations is today defined. The status of the integration studies...