Session 06 Machine Protection in 2011 and beyond
- Markus Zerlauth (Chair)
- Giulia Papotti (Scientific Secretary)
The session will provide a synthesis of the experience with the commissioning and operation of the LHC machine protection system during the initial 2010 run. The focus will be on the stored energy target of 30MJ, but we will as well identifying possible show-stoppers , their necessary mitigations and try to identify a strategy to start increasing the intensity beyond the 2010/11 target, with a special emphasis on injection protection for very unsafe beam (ie >= 32 bunches).
Mariusz Sapinski
1/26/11, 6:25 PM
The higher beam intensities will enhance the effects of the beam losses observed during 2010 run. In particular beam losses due to so called UFOs are discussed, but also other beam loss phenomena like luminosity losses, injection losses and the leakage from the collimation system are considered. The current understanding of the quench limits reflected in the BLM thresholds on the cold magnets...