Session 05 High Intensity: Present and Future
- Ralph Assmann (Chair)
- Stefano Redaelli (Scientific Secretary)
Alessandro Bertarelli
1/26/11, 9:00 AM
Accidental events implying direct beam impacts on collimators are of the utmost importance as they may lead to serious limitations of the overall LHC Performance. In order to assess damage threshold of components impacted by high energy density beams, advanced numerical simulation methods are under continuous development. Results of analyses carried out on several Phase 1 Collimators are...
Markus Brugger
1/26/11, 9:30 AM
A first year of successful LHC operation has passed reaching about 50pb-1 of integrated luminosity (1‰ of nominal, 5% of 1fb-1) and more than 1% of peak luminosity, as well as a successful ion run. It’s thus time having a first look on the observed radiation levels around LHC critical areas and to compare them to available simulation results. In spite of the still very low integrated...
Stefano Redaelli
1/26/11, 11:00 AM
The LHC collimation system has provided an outstanding performance during the first year of high-intensity beam operation. The complete Phase I system was commissioned and delivered routinely a cleaning performance close to the nominal exceptions with relaxed collimator settings. On the other hand, the first commissioning experience has also provided first indications of system limitations...
Philippe Baudrenghien
1/26/11, 11:30 AM
The first part will review the RF setting-up and operation in 2010: From the initial RF noise concerns (April), to the need for longitudinal blow-up with the nominal bunch intensity (May), then the problems to fill the machine when increasing the number of injections (dump triggered by secondary radiation related to capture losses). The statistics on RF fault and their cure will also be...