Session 08 High Luminosity (HL-LHC)
- Lucio Rossi (Chair)
- Riccardo De Maria (Scientific Secretary)
Oliver Bruning
1/27/11, 5:00 PM
From what we know now, after the 1st year of LHC operation, is an upgrade (with major hardware modifications) required for improved beam performance? Will it remove bottlenecks? Will a smart new set of LHC parameters – and LHC Injector parameters - do the job? To what extent?
Frank Zimmermann
1/27/11, 6:00 PM
Which are the most promising ingredients to boost the LHC integrated luminosity, including smaller beta*, higher beam intensity, crab crossing, large Piwinski angle, flat longitudinal profile, and variations of bunch length, transverse emittance, crossing angle, and bunch spacing? How do the various ingredients conspire or compete? How do they pose different requirements on new LHC hardware...
Expectations on Management and Performance Evolution: Lessons from Tevatron and Other Colliders.
Vladimir Shiltsev
1/27/11, 6:40 PM
The talk will discuss the luminosity evolution of the Tevatron collider at different stages of the Collider Runs Ia, Ib and II, emphasize general dynamics of the process, analyze planned and delivered luminosity integrals, discuss the expectation management lessons, and compare with other colliders.
Sergio Bertolucci
1/27/11, 7:10 PM
So far all the upgrade schemes have been studied assuming only two general
purpose detectors, ATLAS and CMS, operating. Will Alice and LHCb run in HL-LHC time? When and what process to decide it? What are the beam parameters they want to exploit and the hardware changes they need in case of an upgrade?