NLO pQCD predictions for exclusive J/Psi and Upsilon photoproduction in A+A UPCs at the LHC

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Oral Partonic structure of protons and nuclei


Prof. Kari J. Eskola (University of Jyväskylä (FI))


We present the first study of coherent exclusive quarkonium (J/Psi, Upsilon) photoproduction in ultraperipheral nucleus-nucleus collisions (UPCs) at the LHC in the framework of collinear factorization and next-to-leading order (NLO) perturbative QCD (pQCD) [1-3]. We make NLO predictions for the J/Psi [1,2] and Upsilon [3] rapidity distributions for lead (Pb) and oxygen (O) beams, and quantify their dependence on the factorization/renormalization scale, nuclear PDFs and their uncertainties, and on differences between nuclear PDFs and generalized parton distribution functions (GPDs). We show that our approach provides a good description of the available J/Psi photoproduction data in Pb+Pb UPCs at the LHC. We demonstrate that, at NLO pQCD, the quark contributions are important in the J/Psi case but that gluons clearly dominate the Upsilon cross sections. We also study how the significant scale dependence could be tamed by considering O+O/Pb+Pb ratios of the exclusive J/Psi UPC cross sections, and how HERA and p+p/Pb LHC data can help in obtaining better-controlled NLO predictions in the Upsilon case.

[1] K.J. Eskola, C.A. Flett, V. Guzey, T. Loytainen, H. Paukkunen, Phys. Rev. C 106 (2022) 3, 035202, arXiv:2203.11613 [hep-ph]

[2] K.J. Eskola, C.A. Flett, V. Guzey, T. Loytainen, H. Paukkunen, arXiv:2210.16048 [hep-ph], submitted to Phys. Rev. C

[3] K.J. Eskola, C.A. Flett, V. Guzey, T. Loytainen, H. Paukkunen, arXiv:2303.03007 [hep-ph], submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? Other


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