pA collisions using the SHRiMPS Monte Carlo model

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Poster Physics at low-x and gluon saturation


Chiara Le Roux


SHRiMPS is a Monte Carlo model that extends the Khoze–Martin–Ryskin (KMR) model of soft interactions [1] allowing for a complete description from the parton level up to the hadronic final states. This is done with a multichannel eikonal model including two Good-Walker states and the partonic interpretation emerges from seeing the eikonals as tubes of colour flux between the interacting hadrons and identifying them as cut pomerons. In this way, SHRiMPS can describe elastic, diffractive and inelastic interactions in one common framework.
In the present work, we have extended this model to proton-nucleus collisions. We started by implementing a Glauber model based on the cross sections calculated with SHRiMPS, from which we can simulate the individual nucleon-nucleon interactions using the machinery from this model in order to obtain fully differential final states.

[1] Ryskin, M. G.; Martin, A. D.; Khoze, V. A. Soft Processes at the LHC I: Multi-component model. Eur. Phys. J. C 2009 60: 249-264.

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? Other


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