High pT processes in pPb collisions with Pythia/Angantyr

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Poster The initial stages and nuclear structure in heavy-ion collisions


Marius Utheim


The ATLAS experiment has provided data for jet spectra for transverse momentum values up to 1000 GeV and above. At these pT values, it is observed that the nuclear modification factor R_pPb is suppressed for central events and enhanced for peripheral events. One reason for this is that when the jets take a large energy fraction, there is less energy available in the detector regions used to determine the centrality, so that events appear more peripheral.

In this work, we study this phenomenon using the Pythia/Angantyr event generator. One of the strengths of Angantyr to this end is that it provides a good description of the centrality measure, making it a good tool for centrality-dependent studies. A technical challenge is that very hard jets are rare (of the order of one in a billion events), so for computational reasons, event generation must be biased towards producing sufficiently hard events. We find that Angantyr reproduces unbinned jet pT spectra well and that the centrality-binned R_pPb spectra show the expected trends.

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? ATLAS


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