Effect of initial state on high-$p_T$ $v_2$, $v_3$, and $v_4$ in a dynamical energy loss framework

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Poster The initial stages and nuclear structure in heavy-ion collisions


Jussi Auvinen (University of Jyvaskyla)


We investigate the nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$ and $v_2$, $v_3$, and $v_4$ for high transverse momentum charged particles and $D$ and $B$ mesons for 5 TeV $Pb$+$Pb$ collisions in the LHC [1]. The suppression of high-$p_T$ particles is calculated using DREENA-A dynamical energy loss formalism, while for the event-by-event bulk evolution we utilize three different initializations: 1) Monte Carlo Glauber with the start time of the hydrodynamical evolution set to $\tau_0 = 1.0$ fm, 2) Trento using the generalized mean parameter p = 0 combined with free streaming until $\tau_0 = 1.16$ fm, and 3) IP-Glasma at $\tau_0 = 0.4$ fm. We find that the three initializations lead to notably different values of high-$p_T$ $v_2$ and $v_3$, while $v_4$ is very close to $0$ in all three cases. This presents a potential "high-$p_T$ $v_4$ puzzle" should the future measurements confirm nonzero $v_4$ for charged particles at $p_T > 30$ GeV.

[1] D. Zigic, J. Auvinen, I. Salom, M. Djordjevic, and P. Huovinen, Phys. Rev. C 106, 044909 (2022), arXiv:2208.09886 [hep-ph].

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? Other


Jussi Auvinen (University of Jyvaskyla)


Dusan Zigic (Institute of Physics Belgrade) Igor Salom (Institute of Physics Belgrade) Magdalena Djordjevic (Institute of Physics Belgrade) Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)

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