Relativistic hydrodynamics with spin in EM fields

Not scheduled


Poster Collective dynamics from small to large systems


Dr Rajeev Singh (Stony Brook University)


We extend the classical phase-space distribution function to include the spin and electromagnetic fields coupling and derive the modified constitutive relations for charge current, energy-momentum tensor, and spin tensor. Because of the coupling, the new tensors receive corrections to their perfect fluid counterparts and make the background and spin fluid equations of motion communicate with each other. We investigate special cases which are relevant in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, including baryon-free matter and large mass limits. Using Bjorken symmetries, we find that spin polarization increases with increasing magnetic field for an initially positive baryon chemical potential. The corrections derived in this framework may help to explain the splitting observed in Lambda hyperons spin polarization measurements.

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? STAR


Dr Rajeev Singh (Stony Brook University)

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