Feb 21 – 25, 2022
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Progress and perspectives of FARICH R&D for the Super Charm-Tau Factory project.

Not scheduled
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
Recorded Presentation Cherenkov Detectors


Alexander Barniakov (Novosibirsk State University (RU))


Particle identification system based on Focusing Aerogel RICH (FARICH) detector is considered as an option for the future experiments at the Super Charm-Tau Factory (Russia). The progress of FARICH R&D at the the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics is presented. New samples of focusing 4-layer aerogels with maximal refractive index 1.065 were produced in 2020-2021. First beam test results with relativistic electrons demonstrate single photon resolution SPR=8.5~mrad. According to simulation results, the aerogels with such SPR are able to provide $\mu/\pi$-separation at the level of more than 3 standard deviations for tracks with momentum 1.5 GeV/c. The first version of electronics to readout SiPM arrays based on TDC realized on FPGA (FPGA-TDC) was developed and manufactured. The first test results are presented.

Primary authors

Alexander Barniakov (Novosibirsk State University (RU)) Sergey A. Kononov (Budker Inst. Novosibirsk) Viktor Bobrovnikov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))

Presentation materials