A. Sailer, C. Vuosalo, M. Frank, T. Madlener

1)    Pending problems
1.1) Pending problems reported by Sang Hyun Ko:
     - Cannot setup Birk's constant as material property.
     - No analogy to G4PVParametrized. Unclear if a solution is possible.
1.2) Add GFlash parameterisation to DDG4 (issue #802).
1.3) Problems with ROOT-python compatibilities (issue 842)
1.4) Extend/inherit visualization attributes. #841
1.5) Difficulty properly aligning daughter volumes with trap #837
1.6) CAD exports from ROOT geometry do

2)    Closed issues and fixed problems
2.1) Simulation instability in CMS: Fixed but not understood.
2.2) Subtraction/ExtrudedPolygons: https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/issues/33656
       (Carl to open an issue in DD4hep). Fixed by Andre
2.3) Positioning of sensitive volumes: Issue #822
       Closed, no answer from client

3) Round table
   Markus:     --
   Carl:         Would like to have a new release. Andre agreed to do one.
   Andre:       --

4) AOB
4.1) Next meeting shall be devoted to DDDigi. I will present the status of current ideas.
This supposedly shall be a bit lengthy. Hence, next meeting
4.2) Contribution for HSF document of Geant4 development tools attached in agenda.
If anyone finds typos etc. Please report.

Next meeting in 2 weeks: 24/06/2021