3:50 PM
Observation of large-scale anisotropy in the arrival directions of cosmic rays with LHAASO
Gao Wei
4:05 PM
Measurement of interplanetary magnetic field in short period using the cosmic-ray Sun shadow measured by LHAASO
Nan Yuncheng
4:20 PM
A Review of Cosmic Rays of LHAASO
Zhang Shoushan
4:35 PM
The Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Ray Proton and Helium above 100TeV Measured by LHAASO Experiment
You Zhiyong
4:50 PM
Measurement of muon contents in cosmic ray shower with LHAASO-KM2A around knee region
Zhang Hengying
5:05 PM
The Energy Scale Calibration using the Moon Shadow of LHAASO-WCDA Detector
Wang Yanjin
5:20 PM
Study horizontal air showers with LHAASO-KM2A
Gou Quanbu
5:35 PM
The Electron-Neutron Detector Array (ENDA), Status and Coincidence with LHAASO
Li Bingbing
5:50 PM
Time calibration of the LHAASO-WCDA detectors
Gao Bo