0 GGUS tickets 

1 HC bump Yesterday, stage-in timeouts 

MGHPCC annual maintenance down day coming up : August 9 

Xrootd containers working at BU, HTTP-TPC tests working, with local adler callout, some deletion errors, probably will disappear when we expand.  Next steps:

      Expand atlas-xrootd.bu.edu to all current gridftp endpoints

      Do likewise for NESE storage endpoints (NESE_DATADISK, NESE_SCRATCHDISK)

      Do likewise for NESE Tape endpoints

Need to update OIM with Mark

16 DTN endpoints arrived at NESE, racked and cabled. 

ipv6 set up on perfsonar nodes.... We still need to test, then expand.   

Preparing for major worker node purchase ASAP

Start planning for NESE Ceph storage purchase in the Fall

UMass joining NET2, new person to help with day-to-day operations; expand into UMass space at MGHPCC; collaborate with BU, Harvard, UMass types on large shared pool of worker nodes roughly along the lines of the shared storage NESE project.