Differentiable Stacks, Poisson Geometry and related geometric structures

Chemin du Vernex 9, CH-1865 Les Diablerets
Anton Alexeev (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA), Jiang-Hua Lu (University of Hong Kong,), Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto), Rui Loja Fernandes (University of Illinois)

Recent days have seen a rapid developments on shifted Poisson and symplectic structures on (derived) differentiable or algebraic stacks. A differentiable stack is, roughly speaking, a Lie groupoid up to Morita equivalence, and the stack represented by a symplectic groupoid of a Poisson manifold naturally has a 1- shifted symplectic structure. There have also been remarkable recent advances in other geometries, such as Dirac geometry and generalized complex geometry, that generalize Poisson geometry and have Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids at their cores. Many basic concepts and constructions in these geometries can be rephrased using the language of differential stacks, and such reformulations put these geometric structures in vastly new perspectives and establish further connections with other fields of mathematics such as algebraic geometry, deformation theory and high category theory.

Specific topics covered :

  •  Integrations of Poisson and Dirac structures
  • Generalized complex geometry and mirror symmetry
  • Multiplicative structures on Lie groupoids and stacks
  • Shifted symplectic geometry
  • Higher Lie groupoids and higher gauge theory
Registration form
  • Alberto Cattaneo
  • Alejandro Cabrera
  • Anton Alekseev
  • Camille Laurent-Gengoux
  • Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat
  • Chenchang Zhu
  • Chris Rogers
  • Christian Blohmann
  • Cristian Ortiz
  • Daniel Alvarez
  • David Hui
  • David Iglesias-Ponte
  • Eckhard Meinrenken
  • Francesco Bonechi
  • Francis Bischoff
  • Fridrich Valach
  • Hadi Nahari
  • Hao Zhang
  • Henrique Bursztyn
  • Ioan Marcut
  • Jacob Kryczka
  • jim stasheff
  • Joel Villatoro
  • Kai Behrend
  • Kris Krylova
  • Leandro Egea
  • Luca Vitagliano
  • Madeleine Jotz Lean
  • Maram Alossaimi
  • Marco Gualtieri
  • Marco Zambon
  • Marius Crainic
  • María Amelia Salazar
  • Matias Luis Del Hoyo
  • Maxence Mayrand
  • Miquel Cueca
  • Pavel Safronov
  • Pavol Severa
  • praphulla koushik
  • Rene' Dieter Alberto Chipot
  • Rui Loja Fernandes
  • Thiago Drummond
  • Xiaobin Li
  • Yifan Li