20–24 Sept 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

A new HTCondor monitoring for CNAF Tier-1

20 Sept 2021, 17:50


HTCondor user presentations Workshop session


Federico Versari (University of Bologna)


The CNAF Tier-1, composed of almost 1000 worker nodes and nearly 40000 cores, completed its migration to HTCondor more than one year ago. After having adapted existing monitoring tools (built with Sensu, Influx and Grafana) to work with the new batch system, an effort has started to collect a more rich and “condor oriented” set of metrics that are used to provide better insights on the pool status.
The data are collected into a PostgreSQL database, which makes them also available for further analysis or different applications, and presented by a specifically designed dashboard built using the dash and plotly python libraries.

Speaker release Yes

Primary authors

Federico Versari (University of Bologna) Stefano Dal Pra (INFN)

Presentation materials