17:00:25 From Marie Clémentine Nibamureke To Everyone: Welcome to the Engagement groups' session; please write your questions here, we will come back to them in the discussion session. 17:09:02 From Kenneth Cecire To Everyone: Please comment on how Sub-groups 1 and 5 differ. Thank you. 17:10:36 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Ken: my guess is 1—>physics community and 5—>public 17:14:01 From Hadja Fanta Diakhaby To Everyone: Many thanks professor Boye Faye for this informative presentation 17:14:07 From Hadja Fanta Diakhaby To Everyone: 👏 17:14:19 From Ayodele Odularu To Everyone: Thank you very much for the presentation. 17:14:27 From Amal Ait El Djoudi To Everyone: Thank you Professor 17:16:13 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Arame: most initiatives would need some manpower on the ground and good internet connection (especially for remote schools). The strategy from the Engagement group could certainly help other sub-groups. Could you elaborate on a possible plan to increase your manpower? 17:17:11 From Kenneth Cecire To Everyone: Thank you Paul. Where do you think that leaves pre-university outreach to teachers and learners? I would argue sub-group 1 but others may feel differently. 17:19:35 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Ken: I agree that group 1 is best; although teachers were listed in group 5. We will have to wait for the discussion 17:21:01 From S. G. NANA ENGO To Everyone: Do the various proposals take into account the need to introduce intellectual property into the curricula as soon as possible? 17:21:52 From Kenneth Cecire To Everyone: Again, Paul, thank you. 17:22:25 From Ndeye Arame Boye Faye To Everyone: Thank you paulin order to increase the number of participants, we are counting on the meetings with the other groups to attract more participants another way would be to see how to reach other people outside ASFAP 17:22:50 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: As an LOI for CE, I would urge them to look for ways that science advocacy and policy can be included in graduate programmes. Young scientists should be taught on how to advocate for what they do. 17:23:49 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Harris: couldn't this be started through joint thesis projects/internships? 17:24:04 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: The concept of graduate students visiting the white house in the US should be implemented in Africa. 17:25:36 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Diallo: do you have any stat on how many Africans are conducting joint thesis/research projects with international partners? 17:28:16 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: Awards should be given to those involved in grassroot outreach/engagement initiatives, for some exist already. This would really encourage them and motivate the younger generation. 17:29:26 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Harris: I second this 17:37:57 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: I would say that some role models exist, but the challenge is on profiling/publicising them. 17:39:12 From FAICAL BARZI To Everyone: Some of the reason of lack of women in physics is that an early age females are dettered by how physics in presented to them we need to look at female psychologie and be sensitive to her perception do you agree? 17:39:56 From Farida Fassi To Everyone: Very nice talks 17:40:12 From Manahil Abdalla Mohammed Yousif To Everyone: great presentation, thank you 17:40:24 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: Great presentations. 17:40:39 From To Everyone: Very interesting presentations 17:40:51 From Rokaya Djida To Everyone: Yes very nice talks, thank you 17:41:03 From Farida Fassi To Everyone: Thanks for your great commitment. 17:41:06 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: Fantastic talks from all the speakers! Very inspirational and lots of great information on how we could all contribute. There should also be strong allies/advocates from the males side. 17:41:06 From John, Samuel Odumu Ogana To Everyone: Thank you for the great presentations. 17:41:06 From Ayodele Odularu To Everyone: Thank you very much for the presentation. 17:41:34 From Marie Clémentine Nibamureke To Everyone: Interesting activities & plans from the engagement groups. Thank you all! 17:42:04 From Justina Achuka To Everyone: Thank you so much for the great presentations 17:42:25 From Iroka Chidinma To Everyone: Thanks to all the speakers 17:44:45 From Cyulinyana Marie Chantal To Everyone: thank you 17:45:59 From Nkeiru Ubadike To Everyone: Is there an issue of lack of promotion of African scientists on social media and internet in general? Could there be workshops on effective self marketing and promotion? (for any group) 17:47:21 From Nkeiru Ubadike To Everyone: Another example is the lack of wikipedia pages on african science/facilities? 17:48:08 From Diallo Boye To Everyone: Thanks Paul for your question: we have a few universities in Africa that are partnering with other universities within Africa and outside Africa. From the preliminary results of our survey, 48% are partnering of the 141 respondents. 17:50:02 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: Great point there, Nkeiru. But my observation is that most senior scientists hardly interact on social media. There is a page about IYBSSD 2022 and the engagement is almost zero. Scientists to endeavour to market themselves online. 17:51:18 From S. G. NANA ENGO To Everyone: tanks for your answer 17:52:23 From Ketevi Adikle Assamagan To Everyone: @Harris: please write and submit an LOI on science advocacy and policy. We need it 17:52:37 From Zakaria Dahbi To Everyone: Intellectual property is very important. Here in Morocco at Mohammed V University in Rabat all PhD students are required to take a training about it and pass an exam before defending the PhD thesis. Here is the website about it: https://www.wipo.int/portal/en/ 17:52:37 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Nkeiru: I agree with @Harris This could be a great initiative under the youth sub-groups since they are more connected than most seniors. The only question will be how to manage the posting and also ensure that there are regular postings. But something that must be included in all the initiatives to provide publicity of ASFAP 17:57:11 From Nkeiru Ubadike To Everyone: @Harris I guess they need some help from younger people @Paul yes i think i would be interested in contributing to this youth sub group 17:58:11 From Nkeiru Ubadike To Everyone: Could the links be posted on where to submit an LOI for the various groups be posted? 17:58:57 From Cyulinyana Marie Chantal To Everyone: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1061921/abstracts/ 17:58:59 From Mounia Laassiri To Everyone: Here is the link for LOI submission: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1061921/ 17:59:09 From Fobasso Florette To Mounia Laassiri(Direct Message): Hi Mounia 17:59:19 From Fobasso Florette To Mounia Laassiri(Direct Message): It is Florette from Cameroon 17:59:21 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: Thanks for the link. 17:59:42 From Fobasso Florette To Mounia Laassiri(Direct Message): How can I join your group ? 17:59:42 From Nkeiru Ubadike To Everyone: Thanks 18:01:36 From Cyulinyana Marie Chantal To Everyone: you can join any group here 18:01:37 From FAICAL BARZI To Everyone: Well said Prof Farida teachers are key! 18:01:38 From Cyulinyana Marie Chantal To Everyone: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AfricanStrategy/AfWorkingGroupRegistration 18:02:56 From Hussaini Ahmed To Everyone: Thank you for the responses 18:03:07 From Mounia Laassiri To Fobasso Florette(Direct Message): Hi Florette, Hw r u doing; here is the YPF WIki page: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AfricanStrategy/AfYoungPhysicists 18:03:44 From Mounia Laassiri To Everyone: Young Physicists Forum (YPF) TWiki page: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AfricanStrategy/AfYoungPhysicists 18:04:10 From Fobasso Florette To Mounia Laassiri(Direct Message): I am fine thank you 18:04:16 From Fobasso Florette To Mounia Laassiri(Direct Message): Thank you for the link 18:04:23 From Marie Clémentine Nibamureke To Everyone: I also agree with @ Harris 18:04:39 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Harris: regarding rewards, this is where international partners could help pre-start by providing giveaways, custom bags, mugs … in partnership with ASFAP 18:04:58 From Ketevi Adikle Assamagan To Everyone: Harris: I agree with you; please submit an LOI; thenks 18:05:24 From Sonia Haddad To Everyone: What do you suggest to have more engagement from African physicists? 18:05:54 From Marie Clémentine Nibamureke To Everyone: Community Engagement Twiki page: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AfricanStrategy/AfCommunityEngagement 18:07:04 From FAICAL BARZI To Everyone: Agree with bertrand on the training of primary teachers. 18:07:13 From Harris Sop Nkuiate To Everyone: Thanks for the opportunity to contribute. 18:08:11 From FAICAL BARZI To Everyone: Thanks chantal! 18:10:24 From Cyulinyana Marie Chantal To Everyone: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AfricanStrategy/AfWomenInPhysics 18:11:11 From Ketevi Adikle Assamagan To Everyone: To subscribe to a working group, please go here: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AfricanStrategy 18:11:39 From Kenneth Cecire To Everyone: American Association of Physics Teachers, aapt.org 18:17:56 From Amal Ait El Djoudi To Everyone: Thank you 18:18:56 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: As an example, the Optical Society of America (now called Optica, http://optica.org) is a way to get kits for outreach (https://www.optica.org/get_involved/education_outreach/). There are many others from other societies/industries around the world. So partnerships are always great. Just need to get the right people connected. 18:19:35 From DJOMOU To Everyone: thank for the link given 18:19:48 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Ken has also lots of great tool from CERN … 18:20:36 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: … https://quarknet.org (sorry for the multiple posts) 18:20:49 From FAICAL BARZI To Everyone: I suggest to celebrate an African day for Physics to popularize the issue amog all Africans. 18:22:21 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Faical: love the idea!! 18:24:19 From Kenneth Cecire To Everyone: Thank you for the mention, Paul. I invite colleagues to browse the QuarkNet site and send me any questions or comments at kcecire@nd.edu. 18:24:40 From Farida Fassi To Everyone: @Facial, please submit a letter of Intent proposing this great idea. please contact us if you have any issue to do it. Thanks 18:24:42 From Marie Clémentine Nibamureke To Everyone: If there are high school physics teachers here, please subscribe to the engagement groups and help us get to more high school Physics teachers in Africa. 18:24:42 From Mulugetta Duressa To Everyone: Thank you... 18:25:58 From Paul Guèye (He/Him/His) To Everyone: @Mari or anyone interested in working with high school or has contact with some on the ground 18:26:40 From Aatifa BARGACH To Everyone: thank you