CERN Theory Group Retreat 2011
Les Houches Centre de Physique
Les Houches Centre de Physique
A meeting of the members of CERN's theory group, to review its scientific activities and recent results, to learn more about each other's research, and to familiarize the new members with CERN's scientific environment and with the rest of the group.
We shall reach Les Houches in the morning of Wednesday Nov 2, driving by car. The working sessions will take place on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning and Friday morning. On Thursday afternoon, we'll have free time for discussions, or excursions, if weather permits. A staff meeting is foreseen for Friday after lunch.
Agostino Patella
Alexander Lenz
Alexander Mitov
Alexander Vikman
alexandra oliveira
Alireza Tavanfar
Andrea Beraudo
Andrea Thamm
Andreas Juettner
Andres Collinucci
antonio riotto
Boris Pioline
Bryan Webber
Can Kozcaz
Carlo Angelantonj
cedric delaunay
christian byrnes
christophe grojean
Cyrille Marquet
Domenico Orlando
Ennio Salvioni
Enrique Fernandez Martinez
Francesco Tramontano
Gavin Salam
Georgi Dvali
Geraldine Servant
Gian Francesco Giudice
Gilad Perez
Gino Isidori
Graeme Watt
Heidi Rzehak
Hyun Min Lee
Ignatios Antoniadis
Iñaki García-Etxebarria
Jadach Stanislaw
James Drummond
James Wells
Jan Winter
Jinn-Ouk Gong
John Bulava
Juan Rojo
Julien Lesgourgues
Keith Hamilton
kimmo kainulainen
Kwangwoo Kim
Kyriakos Papadodimas
Luca Trentadue
Marco Cirelli
Mark Goodsell
Martin Lüscher
Michelangelo Mangano
Michele Redi
Mike Trott
Myeonghun Park
Nazila Mahmoudi
Neil Lambert
Nikolaos Karagiannakis
Paolo Nason
Paride Paradisi
Peter Skands
Rakhi Mahbubani
Rogerio Rosenfeld
Stefan Schaefer
Susanne Reffert
Umut Gursoy
Urs Achim Wiedemann
Was Zbigniew
Wolfgang Lerche