8 December 2021
Zoom (online)
Europe/Zurich timezone

CERNBox integration in small team designing power converters

8 Dec 2021, 13:30
Zoom (online)

Zoom (online)

Presentation (10 min + 5 min QA) Main session Engineering


Yves Thurel (CERN)


SY-EPC-LPC is in charge of designing, producing and operating low power converters. Usually a design is obtained through a rather small team of 2-6 people, working together and exchanging daily informations about the on going design, from office files up to large CAD ones. Section being used to focus on final EDMS document storage, some way of integrating CERNBox was put in place in our workday flow. It will be shown how we intend to profit from CERNBox in remote (home) work conditions, as well as using CERNBox to facilitate MALT approach (using open source LibreOffice suite).

Primary author

Yves Thurel (CERN)

Presentation materials