Rucio Meeting
Martin Barisits
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
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News 5m
- Rucio website Team introduction
- For now I added/asked all component leads
- All other developers are also very welcome to add their names/intro!
- Please submit a PR to
- September release schedule
- 1.26.4 Sep 6
- 1.23.16 LTS Sep 6
- 1.26.5 Sep 27
- Metadata tests in Belle II presentation moved to Sep 16
- CHEP reminder
- Next week no meeting (Jeûne genevois)
- Sep 16
- GSOC presentation: New protocols for exascale data management with Rucio
- Rucio website Team introduction
Community News & DevOps roundtable 10m
- Reaper certificates
- For now including a bunch of certificates via a k8s secrets
- This is limited to 1MB, we are now hitting that limit
- One solution would be OPA gatekeeper
- Reaper would mount certs via OPA gatekeeper
- ESCAPE using this already
- For now including a bunch of certificates via a k8s secrets
- Token deadlock issue due to a query running with two different query hints
- Fixed by running the same query
- Reaper certificates
- Fermilab
- Running tests on 1.26
- Upgrading Icarus to 1.26 soon
- DUNE next
- Belle II
- Popularity infrastructure running
- Tracer importing traces
- DIRAC datamanager used to fetch data from grid
- Thinking about moving to downloadclient
- Needs fix in client to allow B2 naming convention (PR there)
- Popularity infrastructure running
- Would be good to be able to run a server with ALL endpoints
- rucio.cfg switch to be able to import all
- Martin will add note to the release notes
- Running alembic
- Alembic did not recognize the revision the DB is in, tried to apply all
- Running without alembic (--sql) works
- Would be good to be able to run a server with ALL endpoints
- Not flux+helm but upstream flux
- 1.26 upgrade
- Webui still on 1.25 due to
- OIDC token issue (Template file missing?)
- REST and WebUI OIDC works
- Possibly just the template file missing in the packaging
- Datalake as a Service
- Now complete
- Finished Rucio upload functionality
- Datalake upload functionality also works (TPC based)
Hot topics 5m
GSOC: Rucio and CS3API to enable data management for the ScienceMesh cloud 15mSpeaker: Rahul Chauhan
Metadata tests in Belle II [Moved to September 16] 15mSpeaker: Cedric Serfon (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
Developers roundtable 5m
Rucio 1.27 "Batdonkey v. Superdonkey" priority followup
- In Progress
- Auditor overhaul #3437 [Dimitrios]
- Will discuss with Dimitrios once he is back
- rucio.cfg vs config table #2630 [Mario, David]
- Needs review
- Logging review #4220 [Martin, All comp leads]
- No news
- Disentangle fts3 specific code from conveyor and move to transfertool #857 [Radu]
- Work ongoing
- One open PR for submitter-stager merge
- One other PR already prepared, will submit once previous merged
- helm-charts release management #4794 [Radu, Eric, Martin]
- Eric submitted comments to the issue
- Switch to the new naming scheme first, thus next release would be 1.26.0
- Needs to be described on the documentation
- Github action needs to be upgraded to look into separate release branches
- Probably not a big change
- Quality of Service #3419 [Matt]
- Demonstrator for sotrage-issued QoS changes for BNL MAS
- Matt should have dev changes done in the coming weeks
- Auditor overhaul #3437 [Dimitrios]
- Todo
- Get SSO Login working [Rizart]
- Down-scoped tokens for user interactions #4791 []
- Optimize database interactions #4793 [Martin, Mario, Radu]
- Prepare replacement of current policy import with policy packages #4798 [James, Martin]
- Rename Daemons to commonly understandable names #4795 [Martin]
- Versioning for REST API #4796 [Ben, Martin]
- Enabling tests for different policy package #3878 [Mayank]
- Done
- Delayed
Developer roundtable
- Docker auto builds [Mayank]
- Will not use docker auto builds anymore, instead have GH actions build and push the containers
- Workflow PR is in place
- Secrets for Docker are in place
- Right now builds daemons, clients, server; will add the other auto-builds as well
- Enabling http on xrood containers
- Changing CI oracle-express database from 11 to 18
- PR done, merge asap
- In Progress
AOB 5m