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5–11 Jun 2022
McMaster University
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(I) The MoEDAL-MAPP Experiment – The Upgrade of the LHC’s 1st Dedicated Search Experiment for LHC’s Run-3 and Beyond

7 Jun 2022, 11:00
MDCL 1105 (McMaster University)

MDCL 1105

McMaster University


James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))


The MoEDAL experiment deployed at IP8 on the LHC ring was the first dedicated search experiment to take data at the LHC in 2010. It was designed to search for Highly Ionizing Particle (HIP) avatars of new physics such as magnetic monopoles, dyons, Q-balls, multiply charged particles, massive slowly moving charged particles and long-lived massive charge SUSY particles. An upgrade to MoEDAL, the MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles (MAPP), approved by CERN’s Research Board in now the LHC’s newest detector. The MAPP detector, positioned in UA83, expands the physics reach of MoEDAL to include sensitivity to milli-charged particles with charge as low as 10-3 e (where e is the electron charge) and, in conjunction with MoEDAL’s trapping detector, to extremely long-lived charged particles. MAPP also has some sensitivity to long-lived neutral particles. We shall also briefly discuss the MAPP-2 upgrade to the MoEDAL-MAPP experiment planned for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) in the UGC1 gallery near to IP8. This phase of the experiment is designed to maximize the MoEDAL-MAPP sensitivity to long-lived neutral messengers of physics beyond the Standard Model.

Primary author

James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))

Presentation materials