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20–26 Feb 2022
Chateau Lake Louise
Canada/Mountain timezone

Recent Spin Measurements at PHENIX

24 Feb 2022, 18:00
Victoria (Chateau Lake Louise)


Chateau Lake Louise


Ross Corliss


Operated at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven until beginning its recent upgrade into sPHENIX, the PHENIX experiment has collected a wealth of data from polarized proton collisions. Through a wide variety of observables, these data sets continue to offer insights into the spin structure of the proton: Transverse asymmetries probe the spin-momentum correlations of partons, while longitudinal asymmetries probe the polarization of those partons. Double spin asymmetries of various processes are sensitive to gluons at leading order. I will provide an overview of the detector, review recent results and ongoing analyses in longitudinal and transverse asymmetries, and discuss the impact these measurements have on our understanding of parton polarizations and correlations within the proton.

Presentation materials